
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

Conference Papers


Runtime Optimization For Multicore Graph Compiler

Sagar Maheshwari, Abnikant Singh
4th Annual AMD Global Technical Authors Conference (GTAC '23)
Best Paper Award

Drastically reduced runtime for the AI Engine(AIE) multicore graph compiler (up to 78.6% for some large multicore designs such as Resnet - 168 cores and CNN - 72 cores) by implementing novel techniques and ultimately improving node scheduling. Integrated the said algorithm in their Vitis 2022.1 Release for the AIE on their Versal Adaptive SoC.


Continuous Recognition of 3D Space Handwriting using Deep Learning

Sagar Maheshwari, Sachin Gajjar
8th International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering



Runtime Optimization For Multicore Graph Compiler

Sagar Maheshwari,
12th AMD Asia Technical Conference(AATC), 2023
Honorable Mention (Runner Up)